- N°68 Congrès stellaire La Messuguière, Cabris (26 juin – 6 juillet 1966) discute Ce contenu
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Rédaction n°463. Basic number theory. André Weil. Chapters I to VI. . Weil, André, 463_PCR_144, accès le 9/03/2025,
Chapter I. Locally compact fluids. § 1. Finite fields. § 2. The module in a locally compact field. § 3. Classification of locally compact fields. § 4. Structure of p-fields.Chapter II. Lattices and Duality over local fields. § 1. Norms. § 2. Lattices. § 3. Lattices over R. § 4. Duality over local fields.
Chapter III. Places of A-fields. § 1. A-fields and their completion. § 2. Tensor products of commutatives fields. § 3. Tensor-products of A-fields and local fields.
Chapter IV. Adeles. § 1. Adeles of A-fields. § 2. The mains theorems. § 3. Ideles.
Chapter V. Algebraic number-fields. § 1. Lattices over algebraic number-fields. § 2 Ideals.
Chapter VI. The theorem of Riemann-Roch